We have been advised of the passing of the following:
29793 Samuel Reuben (“Bindi” or “Bob”) ALBRECHT, member of 2 RAR, 1 RAR, 6 RAR.
Served in Malaya and in South Vietnam with 1 RAR 1965 – 1966
Late of Upper Mt Gravatt QLD passed away peacefully on 11 September 2021, 87+
An RSL Tribute Poppy Service was conducted at his funeral service by Sunnybank Qld RSL.
4400177 Ray John BARRY, served in Korea with 1 RAR (1952-53) and 2 RAR (22 Mar 53 to 11 Nov 53). Ray passed away on 22 September 2021, aged 92.
214389 Bruce Leslie BERG, member of 1 RAR, 2 RAR, 4 RAR.
Served in Malaysia, Borneo, South Vietnam 1967-68 (3 Pl A Coy) and 1970-71 (A Coy CHQ).
Late of Lower Mangrove NSW and passed away on 28 October 2019, 75+.
36002 Clive “Mark” Raymond BRODIE was a member of 1 RAR, 3 RAR and 2 RAR.
Mark was the A Coy Orderly Room Clerk, 2 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Bn South Vietnam 1970-71.
He was living in Hervey Bay when he passed away from cancer on 27 October 2021, aged 84.
Mark’s funeral was held on 5 November 2021 at Hervey Bay with former A Coy members in attendance.
2783602 Earl Lyndon CARROL served in Signals Platoon 2 RAR, South Vietnam 1967 – 1968,
Earl passed away on 22 April 2021 at John Fawkner Hospital, Coburg Victoria after a hard fight with cancer, aged 75+. His funeral was held at Tobin Brothers, Sunbury Victoria on 30 April 2021.
1200871 Barry Alan CHARLES, served in 1 Pl A Coy 2 RAR, South Vietnam 1967-68.
Barry passed away on 17 March 2021, aged 74.
6710061 Allan Anthony CHIVERS, served in the Assault Pioneer Platoon with 2 RAR in Townsville 1971 – 1972. Allan passed away on 14 June 2021 in Hobart Tasmania. His funeral was held at Lake Leak where family and friends spread his ashes on Wednesday 23 June 2021.
54084 Anthony Charles (“Toad”) FLETCHER, member of 2 RAR and 4 RAR.
Served in Malaya 1961-1963, Malaysia 1965-1967, South Vietnam 4 RAR 1968-69 and 1971
Late of Mandurah WA and passed away on 9 August 2017, 79+
Mrs Olwyn GREEN OAM, passed away on 27 Nov 2019. Olwyn was the widow of Lt Colonel Charles H. Green DSO. He served as CO 3 RAR in Korea and DOW 1 Nov 1950
12427 Arthur Clarence Donald HAMILTON, served with 2 RAR in Korea (1953-54).
He passed away on 29 March 2020, aged 87. (Rockhampton Morning Bulletin)
1202272 John ‘Snow” Charles HANSEN, served with 7 Pl C Coy 2 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Bn on its second tour of South Vietnam 1970-71. Snowy passed away on 06 January 2021 aged 70, with his funeral in Townsville.
23049 Thomas Ronald KELLY, member of 3 RAR, 2 RAR, served in World War II, Korea 1952-54 and Malaya. Late of Merrylands NSW, passed away on 19 August 2021, aged 94+.
3798020 Ronald “Ron” MICHALOWSKI was a member of the Anti-Tank/Tracker Platoon, 2 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Bn in South Vietnam 1970 – 1971. Ron passed away on 27 August 2021 in Moe, Victoria, aged 71+. His funeral was held in the Latrobe Valley in a private ceremony. Condolences to his family, Anti-tank/Tracker Pl and his best mate Peter Cole.
Nicole PENGELLY, passed away on 12 November 2021.
Nicole was the widow of Pte Alwynne Charles Pengelly who served in Korea 1953/54
27274 George William ROSS, member of 2 RAR and 3 RAR.
Served in Korea with 3 RAR (1953-54) and Malaya.
Late of Bargara Qld, passed away on 7 October 2017, 86+
3795678 Ian William STIFF served in Admin Coy, 2 RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Bn 1970-71 in South Vietnam. Ian passed away on 25 July 2019 at Barossa Village Nursing Home, SA, aged 71.
2/41136 Geoffrey Raymond SCHULZ, born 25 May 1939. Served in Malaya 1961-63.
Late of Queanbeyan NSW, passed away on 5 Jul 2021, 82+
2900269 John Nelson TAYLOR was a member of 2 RAR in Korea from 17 March 1953 to 6 April 1954. John, late of Wangaratta Vic, passed away on 6 January 2021 in Melbourne, aged 96. Thank you to his Daughter, Deb Taylor.
28164 PTE Brian Mowbray WOOLLEY served with 2 RAR and 11th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery. He fought with the battalion in Malaya 1955 – 57. Brian has been a long serving member of the Association. Brian Woolley passed away on 31 July 2021 in his home of Lake Munmorah, NSW.
1731872 Private Ian Neville Williams, 2RAR
2RAR Vietnam (Sig Platoon)
08/05/1967 to 26/03/1968
Ian passed away on Saturday 12 September 2020 aged 74+
Funeral details will be advised when known.
More information about Ian and a photo would be appreciated.
Thanks to Rod Newham
Rest in Peace Ian
17703 Private Alan Howard WELDON, 2RAR, 5RAR
19/05/1967 to 24/10/1967
08/02/1969 to 30/06/1969
Alan passed away in Adelaide on 15th August aged 76+. His funeral was a private family affair. RSL Care SA will conduct a memorial service for Alan in the near future.
Further details on Alan and photographs would be appreciated.
29326 Major John Ernest (Jack) Campbell, 1RAR, 2RAR, 3RAR, 8RAR, AATTV
24/09/1959 to 31 May 1961
20/06/1962 to 19/08/1963 (Malaya)
AATTV (Vietnam)
18/06/1965 to 20/10/1966
Jack passed away on 16th August 2020 aged 86+. The funeral for Jack will be a private family affair.
More Information and photo would be appreciated.
Rest in Peace Jack.
36371 WO2 Ronald Desmond “Des” AYLETT, 2RAR, 4RAR, 8/9RAR and AATTV
14/03/1959 to 10/02/1964
17/12/1968 to 17/12/1969
15/07/1971 to 26/10/1971
Des passed away on 16th August 2020 in the Mareeba Hospital, aged 79+
The funeral was held at the Atherton Cemetery at 1030 am Thursday 20 August 2020.
Thanks Ross Kenny
Rest in Peace Des.
55004 Lieutenant Warren Clive GRIFFIN, 3RAR, 6RAR, 2RAR
Malaysia 3RAR 1962-63
Vietnam 6RAR
13 Mar to 30 May 1967
Vietnam 2RAR
31 May to 28 Nov 1967
Pl Comd 10 Pl D Coy
Warren passed away on 9th August 2020 in Western Australia aged 78+. His funeral will be on 19 August 2020.
Rest in Peace Warren
A37592/26033 William Montgomery Baxter, RAN, 2RAR, 3RAR, AATTV
31/08/1951 to 02/11/1951
17/03/1953 to 06/04/1954
Vietnam (AATTV)
11/09/1964 to 08/08/1965
Bill passed away on 11 August 2020 aged 88+
Bill’s funeral will be held in Yamba NSW at 1.00pm on Tuesday 18th August. Due to Covid-19, numbers attending the funeral will be restricted.
Rest in Peace Bill
213599 Harry “Bob” Broadbent, 1RAR, 2RAR, 5RAR, 6RAR
Malaya 2RAR 1961-62
Bob passed away peacefully at Hervey Bay, QLD, on 24th July 2020, after a short illness, aged 79+
His funeral was held on 31st July which was a private family affair.
31827 WO2 John Alexander “Shorty” BAKER, 1RAR, 2RAR
Korea 1RAR
09 Apr 1952 to 24 Mar 1953
Malaya 2RAR 1961-62
Vietnam 2RAR
21 Jun 1967 to 19 Mar 1968
Aged 92+
The funeral will be a private family affair.
Rest in Peace Shorty

Dennis passed away on Friday 17July, aged 73+
His funeral will be held on Wednesday 29 July, 2020 at 1pm at George Harnett Metropolitan Funerals
224 Newnham Road, Mt Gravatt QLD 4122.
25589 Private Ronald “Ron” Leslie HAYLLAR
2RAR Korea
17 Mar 1953 to 6 Apr 1954
DOB: 15-07-1933
Late of Numurkah, formerly of Wagga Wagga, NSW. Passed away peacefully 14 Jul 2020, aged 87 years, at Karinya, Numurkah.
A Private Graveside Service for Ron will be held on Thursday 23 Jul 2020 commencing at 1 pm.
Live streaming link: https://iframe.dacast.com/b/160340/c/534810
RSL and Ex Service Personnel are respectfully invited to watch.
A Memorial Service to celebrate Ron’s life will be held at a later date.
Rest in Peace Ron
Eternal Rest grant to him, O Lord: And let light perpetual shine upon him.
May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Rev Graeme R Davis OAM CSM
2 RAR Assoc Chaplain

14461 Corporal Raymond John “Blue” PARNELL, 1RAR, 2RAR, 6RAR, 8RAR
We have been advised that Corporal Raymond John “Blue” Parnell passed away on 8th April, aged 80+
Invitation to join in the Funeral Prays and celebration of life, to be live streamed on Wednesday 15th April 2020 commencing at 1:20pm.
Date/Time: Wednesday 15th April 2020 (1:20pm)
Address: https://www.tastefultransitions.com.au/raymond-blue-parnell/
Rest In Peace Blue
5716903 Private David John Nickle SMITH, 2RAR
17/05/1970 to 01/06/1971
Mortar Platoon signaller
Passed away on 2nd April 2020, aged 71+
No funeral details yet.
Rest In Peace David.
Thanks Mal Allen and Paul Walsh

A TOP bloke. anyone who went through the Malaysian Reo courses in the early sixty’s would remember Franks Bottle in the sock routine ,it was hilarious and clever. Also a great instructor.
Darcy Dugan
Frank was a Sig in Spt Coy in Malaya [sic] 61-63 he would be attached to a Coy when we were on exercises/operations. He was in B Coy I recall when we were up on the Malay Thai border when Arthur Rofe was the OC. A very good diligent soldier and a character, nothing was too much trouble for him.
Henry Chisholm
218359 Sergeant Peter Leo BRENNAN, 2RAR, 6RAR
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
12/05/1970 to 01/06/1971
Sad News from Alan Went via Dave McDonald:
Details of funeral are:
Friday 14 February at 10.30am
St Gerard Majella Church
146 Maundrell Tce, Chermside West
Coat & medals would be appropriate.
It will be a Requiem Mass followed by interment at Albany Creek Memorial
Park, 400 Albany Creek Rd, Albany Creek.
There will be a light morning tea afterwards at the venue and for those who would like to kick on back at our place – 53 Idonia St, Bridgeman Downs.
Peter pass away at home after an accident with a ladder on Tue 05 Feb 2020.
Peter was the curator of the RAR NMW loved coming in on a Monday to the maintenance Dads Army will certainly miss him
16663 Warrant Officer First Class Kevin “Lofty” Wendt OAM, BEM, 2 RAR, 8 RAR & 8/9 RAR
2RAR in early 1960s at Enoggera
8RAR Vietnam 17/11/1969 to 05/07/1970
8/9RAR in 1980 as RSM
In 1987 he was appointed RSM of the Army, only the second to be appointed.
Lofty passed away in Biggenden QLD on 28th January 2020.
His funeral is being held on Friday 7th February in Biggenden.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let light perpetual shine upon him. Amen.
Go forth upon your journey from this world, O Christian soul; in the name of God the Father who created you. Amen.
In the name of Jesus Christ who suffered for you. Amen.
In the name of the Holy Spirit who strengthens you. Amen.
In communion with all the blessed saints; with the angels and archangels and all the heavenly host. Amen.
May your portion this day be in peace and your dwelling in the city of God. Amen.
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
218442 Peter Arnold Kelly
2RAR Vietnam
17/05/1970 to 01/06/1971
Peter passed away on the 22 Jan 2020 after long illness.
Aged 69+
2783059 Private Robert (Mark) Malcolm Collins
2RAR Vietnam – C Coy
10/05/1967 to 14/11/1967
Mark passed away suddenly at home on 17 January 2020. His funeral service was held in Dubbo on Friday 24 January 2020.
RIP Mark Collins
Mark was a good friend and good Sub Branch member. RIP mate.
Bill Greenwood
Dubbo RSL
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
2783068 Private Kevin John GASCOIGNE
2RAR Vietnam – 6PL, B Coy
19/05/1967 to 31/07/1967
DOB: 06/12/1945
Passed away at home surrounded by his wife and family on 19/01/2020
Aged 74+
Funeral arrangements will be advised.
Thank you to Bobby Thomas and Aub Terry
RIP Kevin
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
32866 Private James Henry ‘Jim’ Richardson
2RAR Korea
17/03/1953 to 06/04/1954
2RAR Malaya
DOB: 27/06/1931
Jim passed away on 08/01/2020 aged 88+
His funeral service was held on 16 January 11:00 am Caloundra QLD
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
3176021 Clifford Bruce Cornish, 2RAR
12/03/1971 to 06/05/1971
A Company
Aged 69+
Passed away 16 December at 6-30 am.
Cliff was a Regular soldier who spent many years serving in 5/7 RAR
Cliff’s funeral will be held on the 30th December at 1400 hours at Pine Grove Cemetery, North Chapel, Minchinberry NSW on the Great Western Highway.
Rest in Peace Cliff.
Any further information on Cliff would be appreciated.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
3411977 Private Stephen Joseph Berrigan, 11 Pl, D Coy 2RAR
1 Australian Reinforcement Unit
14/08/1967 to 29/09/1967
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
30/09/1967 to 13/06/1968
DOB: 14/02/1936
Steve ‘Pop’ Berrigan passed away on 17 July 2019. His funeral will be held at Corpus Christi, Cambridge Rd Cnr Alma St, Bellerive, TAS on Monday 22nd July at 11:00am
Thanks Terry Dinneen
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
51851, 1200606 Private Victor Kenneth Otway, WIA Korea, Malaya, Vietnam
2RAR Korea: Victor Kenneth Otway
DOB: 21-Feb-1934
BP: Mullewa, WA
2RAR Malaya: Private
Ref: Mostly Unsung by Lt Col Neil Smith, AM. Melb. 1989
Vietnam (LCpl)
1RAR 1966 (1200606)
6RAR 1966-67
Vic also served in 1 RAR and a reo to 6RAR in 1966….Wounded Op Bribie 17/02/1967
Vic passed away in Geraldton 28/06. His funeral is on next Monday 08/07. My wife and myself will be attending
Thanks, John O’Halloran
The research folks came through with the goods. Vic Otway served with 2RAR in both Korea and Malaya. It sounds like he might have been hurt or become ill as 2RAR arrived at Penang in October ’55 and he was done by December. The battalion didn’t start ops until January ’56 on the mainland.
Here’s a piece on the Samichon I wrote a while back: https://www.awm.gov.au/articles/blog/battle-samichon-river
2RAR Association will put his name in Ringo too as part of their passing parade if you pass the details on. Gordon Hurford is the secretary of the 2RARA [email protected] He was also the CO of 1RTB when I went through in 1992.
Michael Kelly, AWM
2400796/29850 Sergeant Geoffrey (Uki) Maurice Barnes
Served briefly RAN 1951/1952?
Japan 1952
Korea 1RAR 5 July 1952 -20 March 1953
Korea 2RAR 21 March 1953 – July 1953
Malaya 2RAR D Coy 1955 -1957
Malaysia-Borneo 3RAR 1963-1965
Singapore RAA RAASC Pay Corps 1966
SVN 12 Fd Regt 30 April 1968-11 March 1969
SVN Aust Force Vietnam Cash Office 13 August 1970 -12 August 1971
DOB: 14/12/1928 Aged 90+ years
Passed away on 06/06/2-19
Funeral will be held at 1000 Hrs Wed 12 June at Somerville Funerals Chapel in Allambe Memorial Park, 129 Nerang Broadbeach Rd, Nerang QLD 4211
Thank you Andrew Skinner
Rest in Peace Geoffery Barnes
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
54754 Corporal Terence John Brown, 2RAR/NZ ANZAC BN
Vietnam (Cpl)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
1967-68 and 1970-71
DOB: 18/02/1944
POB: Fremantle WA
Age: 75+ years.
Sad news of the passing of Terry Brown who did two tours of Vietnam with 2RAR.
Terry passed away 2 June 2019.
Peter Pheeney
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
17804 Corporal William Edward Harris, 2RAR/NZ (ANZAC) BN
Vietnam (Cpl)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
10/05/1967 to 14/05/1968
DOB: 08/10/1945
DOE: 21/02/1963
DOD: 20/02/1969
CPL Bill Harris 5 PL B Company passed away on 28 May 2019.
Bill finally succumbed to cancer after fighting it for 2 years.
Bill’s funeral Service will be held at the Capalaba Greyhound Racing Club on 6th June 2019 and he
will be cremated at Mt Thompson Memorial Gardens on Thursday 6th June 2019.
Rick Brittain
Rest in Peace Bill
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
156647 2LT Terry John Petrie, 2RAR/NZ (ANZAC) BN
Vietnam (2Lt)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
29/04/1970 to 01/06/1971
DOB: 14/03/1947
POB: Kogarah, NSW
Sad news of the passing of 2LT Terry Petrie, 3Pl, A Coy, 2nd tour on 28 May 2019.
Funeral: The funeral will be held in Toowoomba on Tuesday 4th June.
Phil Lep, ex A Coy.
Rest in Peace Terry.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association
4587 Warrant Officer Class 2 Robert Anthony Neagle, 3RAR, 1RAR, 2RAR, AATTV
Korea (Pte)
1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
14 August 1952 to 21 March 1953
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
22 March 1953 to 13 May 1953
3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
13 May 1953 to 28 June 1953
South Vietnam (WO2)
Australian Army Training Team Vietnam
MATT 7, Ong Trinh
31 July 1970 to Mar 1971
DOB: 17 April 1929
POB: Port Pirie, SA
Age: 90 years
Sad news from Vic Pennington AATTV SA Branch on the passing on 17th April 2019 of fellow Team member WO2 R. (Bob) A. Neagle RAINF aged 90 years (Bob’s birthday).
Bob served in South Vietnam as a WO2 from 31 July 1970 to Mar 71, MATT 7, Ong Trinh, Phuoc Tuy Province, Apr – Jun 71, Admin WO, AATTV Danang. Hospitalized 1 – 14 Jun 71 then Medevac.
Bob also served in the Korean War with 1RAR, 2RAR and 3RAR.
I am sure that all Team members would wish to pass on their deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences to Margaret, family and friends on this sad occasion of Bob’s passing. We all will sadly miss Bob, an old warrior who has served his country well.
Condolences can be passed to Mick Dolensky on email: [email protected]
His Duty Done- May He Rest in Peace.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association

Richard Glenn
3788223 Lance Corporal Richard Patrick (Dicky) Glenn, 2RAR
Vietnam (LCpl)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
19/05/1967 to 25/10/1967
4 Pl B Coy
DOB: 23/08/1945
AGE: 73+ years.
Sad news of the passing of Dick Glenn after a short period in hospital.
Date: Friday 12 April
Loc: Kardinia Church, 65 Albert St. Sebastopol, Ballarat, Vic.
His Duty Done- May He Rest in Peace.
Dick was a 3rd intake National serviceman who joined the Battalion early 1966, after recruit training, to undertake Infantry training. Posted to B Coy after Corps training, he became a member of 1 section until RTA from South Viet Nam for discharge. Dick was a machine gunner before appointment to Lance Corporal. After the Army Dick joined QANTAS, with whom he had a long career.
Dick was a very good Australian Rules footballer and played until he was 43 year old!
Thanks Cpl Ian ATKINSON
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, CSM
Hon Padre 2RAR Association

LTCOL Ken Bladen, AM
52765 Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth John BLADEN AM,
1RAR Malaya 1959-61,
2RAR Malaya 1961-63,
7RAR Vietnam 1967
Malaya (Pl Comd)
1st Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment (1959-61)
2nd Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment (1961-63)
Vietnam (Maj/OC)
7th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment
DOB: 8 July 1934
DOD: 22 February 2019
AGE: 84+ Years
Sad news on the passing of Ken Bladen on 22 February 2019 after a long fight. Ken was a former President of RSL (WA).
Thursday 7 March at Karrakatta, WA at 1130 hours.
Thanks Geoff Murray 7RAR Association WA and Terry Dinneen 2RAR Association
Rest in Peace.
Kenneth John Bladen was born in Western Australia and educated at Guildford Grammar School. He later graduated as a Second Lieutenant from the Australian Army Officer Cadet School as a career Infantry Officer and for the next 21 years served in various regimental, instructional and staff appointments in Australia and overseas.
His service as a junior officer included anti-terrorist operations in Malaya as a platoon commander, and as a foundation officer of the Special Air Service (SAS) Company in Perth.
He served overseas with 1RAR, 2RAR, and 7RAR, and in 1967 he saw active service in Vietnam as an Infantry Company Commander with the 7th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment.
Ken was a graduate of the Australian Staff College 1968 course and won the Queen’s Medal for Champion Shots in 1969, as the Army Champion Shot for that year.
As a Lieutenant Colonel he commanded the Third Cadet Brigade in 1973-1974, and later served in the Australian Army Reserve retiring in 1984 after 30 years service.
An RSL member since 1968, he was elected State President of the Western Australian Branch of the Returned and Services League in 1998, serving in that capacity until 2001. He was appointed Honorary National RSL Vice President for Life and awarded RSL Life Membership in November 2001.
In January 2003 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for voluntary services to veterans and their families. Later that year Ken was awarded the Centenary Medal for similar services to veterans and their families.
Ken and his wife Stephanie have three grown up daughters Louise, Penny and Emma.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
God bless
Graeme Davis
2 RAR Association Chaplain
213306 Corporal David John Hartcher, 2RAR
2RAR (Pte)
Returned from Active Service Badge
NB: The regimental details about were provided by daughter Gay Hartcher and Fay Hartcher.
The source of which were scanned service documents.
John Hartcher passed away on Friday 8th February, 2019.
John’s funeral was held 1100hrs, Monday 18th. February, 2019 at Fulham Funerals
50 Midway Rd, Elizabeth East SA 5112.
Wife: Gay Hartcher
DOB: 6 February 1942
DOD: 8th February, 2019
AGE: 77 years.
A Poppy Service was conducted.
2RAR Association embellishments were on the casket and the flag presented to the family after the service.
Mal Allen attended to represent 2RAR Association.
Condolences to his wife Gay and family.
Contact with the family can be made via E: [email protected]
John was a regular member of the 2RARA contingent at the ANZAC Day March, albeit in a wheelchair for the last few years.
Further information about John’s service will be appreciated.
1200131 Corporal Connie Sanderson, 2RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Bn
Vietnam (Cpl)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
08/05/1967 to 21/05/1968
4 Pl, B Coy
DOB: 12/04/1945
POB: Inglewood, QLD
DOD: 26/1/2019
Sad news of the passing of Con (Sandy) Sanderson who passed away on the morning of 26 January 2019. Sandy from West Wodonga, Victoria served with the Battalion on the first tour of Vietnam 1967-68 in 4 Pl, B Coy. Sandy was section 2IC and later Section Commander of 3 Section.
Rest in Peace Con.
Further information about Con will be appreciated.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
March out with pride digger
Your duty done
May he rest in peace.
Amen. God bless
Rev Graeme Davis, OAM, CSM
2 RAR Association Honorary Chaplain
I too was there to in 1967/68 and we (V Coy) were ordered to “March on them to relieve the pressure”. About two or three days later B Coy was ordered to come to our assistance during the Coburg operation in action. RIP Sandy for not only were you an Australian soldier you were an ANZAC soldier.
4718442 Private John Kevin Polkinghorne, 2RAR
Vietnam (Pte)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
19/05/1967 to 21/05/1968
A Company
POB: Adelaide, SA
DOB: 08/07/1945
Age: 73 years
Sad news of the recent passing of another of our second battalion mates in John Polkinghorne who passed away on 8 December 2018. John’s Funeral Service was conducted in the Mawson Chapel, Centennial Park Adelaide, on Monday, December 17, 2018. He fought a long battle courageously.
John (or Poky, or Polks) served in South Viet Nam during the battalion’s first tour and was a good mate of Jack Wade and myself and while he was a bit of a larrikin we have many fond memories of his escapades.
Kevin (Vic) Morrison
Rest in Peace John
235080 Major Robert John Fletcher, 2RAR, HQ AFV
Malaya (Lt)
2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment
Vietnam (Maj)
Headquarters, Australian Force Vietnam (Army Component)
20/05/1969 to 21/05/1970
DOB: 04/01/1932
DOP: 10/12/2018
Age: 86+ years.
Major Robert John Fletcher passed away on 10 December in hospital in ACT; his funeral service was held on 18 December in the RMC Chapel.
Robert served in 2RAR Malaya 1955-57, and Vietnam 1969-70.
Nick Fletcher
Rest in Peace Robert.

Vietnam: (Visit)
18/08/1964 to 29/08/1964
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (Maj/OPSO)
29/04/1970 to 05/05/1971
POB: Melbourne, Vic
DOP: 26.11.18
Age: 87+ years
“It is a blessing that he did not suffer (especially given his poor health in the last 18 months) and that he enjoyed his usual nightly call to his beloved Pat on Sunday night before resuming watching his much loved ABC TV!
Understandably, we are so sad to lose him but also very grateful we were fortunate to have had him in our lives for so long.”
Tan’s funeral details are:
Date: Tuesday 4 December 2018
Time: 11.00 am
Place: St Peter Chanel’s Catholic Church YARRALUMLA ACT
Refreshments after from 12.30 pm at the Southern Cross Yacht Club, Lotus Bay, Mariner Place, Yarralumla.
John via [email protected] or 0409 468 695 or Pat c/o 19 Lamington Street, Deakin, ACT, 2600 or 02 6281 3158.
Rest In Peace Tan
Eternal rest grant unto him O’ Lord. May he rest in peaceSir,
Your duty done. You did us proud. “Second to None”. Permission to march out with all our blessings. Deo gratias
Rev Graeme R Davis OAM CSM
2 RAR Association Chaplain
Tan was one of the 1st Class Graduates from Portsea. A gentleman, a fine officer, and a solid mentor. I had the good fortune to bump into him on occasions over the years. His opinion and advice were always valuable.
Phil Hayden
Tan Roberts was a graduate of the first course at the Officer Cadet School Portsea. Prior to OCS he served in the South Australian Police Force, and I seem to recall seeing a photo of him astride a police horse! I think he was also in the CMF.
During 1963-1965 his service in 3RAR was as Adjutant during two tours each of 3 months on the Thai/Malay border, then on promotion to major as OC D Coy 3RAR with operations in Sarawak during the Indonesian Confrontation. I was IO with Tan on HQ 3RAR, then his 2IC D Coy, so I believe I have a good insight into the man.
Tan was an attention-to-detail officer and a meticulous planner.
His soldiers respected him and his man-management was outstanding.
A strange thing to remember was that he had a magnificent handwriting!
He served as the OCS representative on the Duntroon Society Committee, as well as being the ACT Representative for the 3RAR Association (now Corporation).
Tan Roberts drew strong moral strength from his Catholic faith, and this was reinforced to me during an hour’s visit with him in May when we reminisced about our time in Malaya and Borneo.
He loved his wife, Pat, and his two children and I know he loved The Royal Australian Regiment.
Laurie Hall
2782896 Private Wallis John Musgrave, 2RAR
Vietnam (Pte)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
19/05/1967 to 09/10/1967
Royal Australian Infantry Corps
DOB: 05/01/1945
It is with much sorrow that I have to announce that our mate Wally Musgrave passed away this afternoon (21st October) in Canberra.
Wally’s funeral will be held on Tuesday 30th October 2018 at 12.00noon at the Norwood Park Crematorium, 65 Sandford Street, Mitchell ACT 2911.
Wally Musgrave, using his own initiative, located and recorded the contact details of all who served in 2RAR during its first tour of duty in Vietnam 1967/68. This contact list is now a very useful resource tool. With it, we can locate and identify people instantly. The time and effort in assembling the data is measured in decades plus the ingenuity used in finding our people makes Sherlock Holmes look like an amateur. Wally used electoral rolls, telephone books, remote RSL’s and real estate agents to name but a few sources in his research. In gathering the data, Wally spoke to just about everyone on the list at some stage. What he has produced is the contents of the unofficial history of all ranks that served during the first tour.
This resource enables birthdays to be recognised, and contacts to be maintained where they may have otherwise been lost. Every day Wally checks his list and sends out birthday greetings by email. He makes all of us feel wanted.
Wally completed a similar list for the second tour personnel and history will show that together, these two lists are proving to be a most valuable record. It is likely no other unit that has served in an operational area will have a similar record of those who served. 2RAR Association has such a record because Wally cared.
Throughout this project, Wally has persevered beyond all normal expectations. He has been tenacious and dogged in his endeavours to record everyone who served in 2RAR in a specific period and he has been meticulous in the accuracy of the data. He fought on when there was no obvious answer to the problem. In the end, Wally has succeeded. The Association is richer because of this body of work created by Wally.
– Citation for Silver Soldier

David Candow (l) and Brian McFarlane.
12466 Lieutenant Colonel David Norman Candow, 2RAR, 3RAR
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
17 Mar 1953 to 06 Apr 1954
(The HOOK)
MALAYSIA (Confrontation)
3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
VIETNAM (Maj: Ops Officer)
Visit: 14 Nov 1962 to 21 Nov 1962
3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
12 Dec 1967 to 15 Oct 1968
DOB: 02 Feb 1933
POB: Atherton, QLD
Born: 02/02/1933
Age: 85+ years
David Candow passed away at about 9 AM on Mon 22 Oct 2018.
Another outstanding soldier joins our long list of Comrades on the Big Parade Ground.
Funeral details are to be advised
A 2RAR Korean Veteran as a very young Rifle Platoon Sergeant. Fought in the final major battle before the Armistice came into effect. (The Battle of the Hook).
On RTA, posted to Tasmania on promotion – reputedly at that stage the youngest Warrant Officer Class 2 in the Australian Army.
Commissioned in 1958 & posted to 2RAR located at Holsworthy where I met him. Served in 2RAR’s 2nd Tour of Malaysia 1961-63 as 2ic of A Coy under Major Geoff Leary (later CO 3RAR before handing over to Lt Col JJ (Jim) Shelton.
Joined 3RAR as Officer Commanding Support Company for the re-raising of it prior to its Vietnam (SVN) 1st Tour 1967/68. Just before deployment to SVN, JJ seconded David to Battalion Headquarters as the Operations Officer.
In this role David’s first major task was to write up the Battalion’s Standing Operational Procedures for its first tour. How he accomplished this in the extremely short time-frame is still considered an amazing feat.
During the subsequent operational tour, David handled his role with the ease of the veteran that he was. During the battles fought at Fire Support Base Balmoral he was able to predict our enemy’s moves at the time with a great degree of certainty. JJ & David were an outstanding team as were the other personnel that successfully manned the Battalion Command Post.
On Return to Australia (RTA) he attended Staff College at Queenscliff gaining a B Pass (a pass only handed out to the “best of the best”! To my knowledge only one A Pass at this level has ever been awarded.
David eventually was posted to the Royal Military College (RMC) before his eventual (far too early) retirement from the Army he loved so much.
He joined the Australian Public Service in a training role – a role he was well suited for.
Rest in Peace David. Your Duty is Done!
Ossie Kleinig
Rest in Peace David.
714193 Private Brian Harry “Skippy” Skipworth, 2RAR
Vietnam (Pte)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
19 May to 6 December 1967
Transport Pl, Admin Coy, C Coy.
DOB: 10 December 1945, Morawa, W.A.
Aged: 72+ years
Brian passed away peacefully on Sunday evening 2 September 2018 at his residence at Geraldton, WA.
His partner Lyn, and daughters Deborah, Jennifer, and son Joel and other close family were by his side.
Brian had suffered a six month valiant battle with cancer.
Arrangements will be notified following advice from the family.
14 Glassford Vista
Glenfield, Geraldton W.A. 6532
H: (08) 9971 1391
Thanks Aub TERRY & Bob PINK
Rest in Peace “Skippy”.
214831 Barry Stewart Silk 1RAR, 2RAR, 3RAR, AATTV
Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (WO2)
20/11/1967 to 25/06/1968
DOB: 10 June 1941
DOD: 9 June 2018
Aged 76 years
Late of Victoria Point, Qld.
Funeral was held on Monday, 18th June 2018 at 12:00pm at the Great Southern Memorial Park, 1774 Mt Cotton Road, Carbrook, Qld.
Rest in Peace Barry
235023 Colonel Stanley John Maizey MID, 2RAR, 1RAR, 5RAR
Japan (Lt)
Korea (Lt)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
13 November 1953 to 31 March 1954
Malaysia (Maj/Coy Comd)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
Vietnam (Maj/Bn 2ic)
5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
12/05/1966 to 12/12/1966
Headquarters, 1st Australian Task Force
13/12/1966 to 07/07/1967
DOB: 24/08/1931
POB: Sydney, NSW
Age: 86 years.
From Roger Wainwright National President 5RAR Association Inc:
Judith Maizey asked me to let the 2RAR Association know about Stan’s funeral due to his service with “Second to None”. I am obtaining Stan’s full record from Defence Archives but I understand he served with 2RAR in Korea as a Pl Comd, and was a Coy Comd with 2RAR in Malaysia.
I sadly advise that “Stan the Man” passed away yesterday 18 June. Judith (Daughter) mentioned that his ongoing Parkinson’s disease had impacted and he had been in bed for the past two weeks with palliative care. He passed away peacefully at home where he wished to be.
Stan was second in command of 5RAR’s 1st tour of Vietnam and did much to overcome the significant equipment and administrative problems faced by the battalion before and during the tiger battalions deployment into Vietnam and the securing of Nui Dat. He was 2IC until 12 Dec 1966 when he was reposted to HQ 1ATF as GSO2 Operations. He returned to Australia in July 1967.
Stan’s funeral will be at 11.00 AM next Monday 25 June at Mount Cotton Crematorium, 1774 – 1794 Mount Cotton Road, Carbrook, Qld.
MAP: https://binged.it/2ysgPyc
Major Stan Maizey became the Second in Command (2I/C). Stan was a Royal Military College Duntroon (RMC) and Staff College graduate and had served with the occupation forces in Japan and Korea and as a Company Commander with 2RAR in Malaya. He was an exceptionally gifted officer but didn’t suffer fools gladly.
Rest in Peace Stan
Roger Wainright
National President
5RAR Association
A great soldier. His RMC class produced some great officers and none of them seemed to tolerate fools: Ron Grey, Colin Kahn, Stan, Max Johnstone, Alan McDonald. With the exception of Stan, whom I knew well, I had the privilege to serve under all of them.
May he rest in peace.
John George
Stan visited the National Memorial Walk with his Class of 51 some years ago. They dedicated a plaque to LT Unsworth a New Zealander who served with Stan in Korea.
Duty First always
Kiwi Gibbons
25611 Private Robert (Bobby) Woolcott, 2RAR
Malaya 1955-57 (Pte)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
Sad news that Bobby passed away overnight 22 March 2018 at a caravan park near Newcastle, NSW. Bobby was formerly from East Devonport, Tas.
Bobby lived life to the fullest. His wife Doreen pre-deceased him.
Thanks Chris Mole (friend)
Further information about Robert will be appreciated.
Rest in Peace Robert
15217 Donald William (Curly) Essenhigh, 2RAR
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
Malaya (Pte)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
Vietnam (Cpl)
19 May 1967 to 11 Oct 1967
1st Australian Rest and Convalescence Centre
11 Oct 1967 to 28 Dec 1967
Australian Force Vietnam Amenities and Welfare Unit
29 Dec 1967 to 14 May 1968
DOB: 06 April 1930
POB: Glebe, NSW
Age: 87+ years.
I have just been advised of the sad news of the passing of Donald William “Curly” Essenhigh who passed away on 31st January 2018 Warwick Hospital, late of Currumbin and formerly of Coffs Harbour. “Curly” had been in a Nursing Home in Warwick.
“Curly’s” funeral was held on Wednesday 7 February at Coffs Harbour in the Chapel of the Coffs Harbour Crematorium , Coramba Road Karangi, NSW.
Loving father of Gail and much loved grandfather of Robyn, Luke, and Sarah & Gregg. Loved great grandfather of Taylor, Zachary, Joshua and Mitchell.
Rest in Peace Donald
Curly was a member of 2RAR and he served in both tours of Malaya. I last saw him when I was posted to Canungra in the early 1970s.
Dennis (Johnno) Johnston
22861 Staff Sergeant Ronald Gildersleeve BEM, 2RAR, 1RAR, 2RAR, 6RAR
Korea (Pte)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
26 June 1953 to 31 March 1954
1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
1 April 1954 to 26 June 1954
Malaya (Cpl)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
Vietnam (SSgt)
6th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
22/05/1966 to 09/06/1967
DOB: 12 October 1928
POB: Greta, NSW
Age: 91 years.
Sad news on the passing of Ron Gildersleeve at 10.00am 2 February at Grafton, NSW. Funeral details will be advised when known.
Ron had been very ill for a long time at Yamba, NSW. Ron’s wife suffers with dementia.
Ron was a Life Member of the 2RAR Association.
Thanks Fred Clark
Rest in Peace Ron
Ron also served in Merchant Navy during WW2 and did a second tour of Malaya with 2 RAR, and he had son in the RAN who had a accident which confined him to a wheelchair, so Ron taught him to play lawn bowls, so they played in many bowls clubs which Ron received the Sports Medal.
Regards Dasher
It is my best intent to attend Ron’s “Passing out” parade on Wednesday 7th Feb , but as I only came out of hospital myself Sunday 4th my health will govern if I can travel or not. As reported to the Association last year I spent many weeks looking after Ron (and his son) when they both were in St Vincents Lismore for some time.
A god man, a good soldier. May God grant him eternal rest.
Rev Graeme Davis, OAM, CSM

Jerry Taylor OC D Coy 4RAR
311542 Lieutenant Colonel Jeremy Hepworth (Jerry) Taylor AM, MC, 2RAR, 4RAR
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
07 May 1967 – 13 Jun 1968
B Company and Support Company
4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
01 May 1971 – 09 Mar 1972
OC Delta Company, 4RAR at the Battle of Nui Le.
POB: Chester, Cheshire England
Age: 77+ years.
Greg Shannon writes that he received a notice from Warren Dowell on Saturday that LtCol Jerry Taylor AM, MC unfortunately died early on Saturday 18 November 2017. This is indeed very sad news as Jerry, was the highly respected OC of Delta Company, 4 RAR at the Battle of Nui Le in South Vietnam during September 1971. According to Warren, who has spoken to Anna Jerry’s wife, Jerry had a total organ shutdown.
At Jerry’s request there will be no service of any kind and the family will not be attending.
Cards and letters of condolence may be sent to;
Mrs Anna Taylor
127 McNeilly Rd
Drowin Vic 3818
Jerry did not want to be farewelled as a soldier but he will be remembered as a soldier.
Allan Price
4RAR Association
Capt Jerry Taylor was the 21C of B Coy 2RAR in the early part of our tour 1967-68. He was a never to be forgotten officer, a great gentleman and officer!! He went to support unfortunately. We all missed him. One of the few…..one of the best. RIP
Bill Parry
17620 Corporal Barry George Ritchie, 2RAR
Vietnam (Cpl)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
19 May 1967 to 13 Jun 1968
Support Company (MFC)
DOB: 22 April 1936
POB: Brisbane, Qld
Age: 81+ years.
I write to inform you and the association’s members of Barry’s passing on Thursday 19 October in St Andrew’s Private Hospital Ipswich.
Deidre Ritchie
Time: 10 AM
Date: Thursday 26 October
Loc: Centenary Memorial Gardens
353 Wacol Station Rd, Sumner
Medals to be worn as entitled by request of the President
Afterwards with refreshments at the Kerwick Hotel, cnr Kerwick St and Brisbane Rd, Redbank- opposite Redbank Railway Station.
I am so sorry to hear of his passing. Please accept our deepest sympathy and our thoughts are with you. Any support that we can give to you, please contact me again. He passed away one week before the AGM and reunion where we normally catch up each year.
Listen to MFC Corporal Barry George Ritchie as a member 2nd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment/New Zealand (ANZAC), South Vietnam 1967-1968, interviewed by Captain Murray Taylor.
Further information about Barry will be appreciated.
Rest in Peace Barry
38658 Private Gordon Stanley Jessup
Vietnam (Pte)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
19 May 1967 to 13 Jun 1968
DOB: 14 Jul 1935
POB: Thornbury, Vic
Age: 82+ years.
Sad news on the passing of Gordon Jessup. Gordon’s funeral was held, 12th October 2017, at the Salvation Army Church, Cnr Nixon & Orr Street, Shepparton Vic.
Messages of condolence can be sent to his widow:
Norma Jessup,
8 Phillip St.,
Shepparton Vic 3630.
I will be attending the funeral on behalf of the Association. Also, as a long time friend of Gordon, who I have kept in contact with over the years.
Private Gordon Jessup joined the Battalion Band, I think, late in 1966. And went to Vietnam with the Battalion and served the full tour.
Jim Cooper
2RARA Rep, Vic
Rest in Peace Gordon
2785126 Private Gregory Joseph Sattler, 2RAR (WIA)
Vietnam (Pte/WIA)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
14 Aug 1967 to 13 Jun 1968
DOB: 26 Apr 1945
Age: 72+ years.
Sad news, our mate Greg Sattler passed away this morning 12 July 2017. Greg was very ill at the end.
Rest in Peace Gregory.
Bob Devers
28860 LCPL Walter Farquhar Fortune, 2RAR
AKA: William Frederick Fortune
Korea (LCpl)
1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
01 Apr 1952 to 01 Sep 1952
1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
08 Oct 1952 to 24 Mar 1953
1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
31 Mar 1954 to 16 Jan 1955
Malaya (LCpl)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
DOB: 28 Aug 1931?
POB: Julia Creek, QLD
Sad news on the passing of Wally Fortune on 2 July 2017 at Maranoa, Alstonville NSW. Wally’s funeral was held at West Ballina on Friday 7 July 2017. A private cremation was held after the service.
I have been attending to Wally and wife Violet at St Vincents Lismore for some months. They have just retired to the Baptist Care Alstonville. Wally and myself both served in C Coy 2RAR at one time. We had the pleasure of exchanging many names and events like Ex Sky High in 1963.
Sadly he has marched out into the hands of his heavenly Father
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord
May he rest in peace
Rev Graeme R Davis OAM CSM
Chaplain ~ 2 RAR Association
5 July 2017
6708445 Private Paul Blair Young, 2RAR
Vietnam (Pte)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
19 May 1967 to 03 Sep 1967
11 Pl (Pl Sig)
D Company
Age: 71+ years.
Born on 28 December 1945; passed away on 2 July 2017
Sad news with the passing of Paul Young on Sunday 2 July 2017 in Launceston Hospital after suffering a hear attack on the St Helens Golf Course.
Paul Young was my radio operator in Vietnam. Paul was an outstanding soldier, a good mate, a great bloke and a decent human being. Paul had a great sense of humour and was liked by everyone. He was WIA on 28th August 1967 and was MEDEVAC home on 3rd September. Rest in Peace Paul.
Gordon Hurford
240213 Lieutenant Colonel The Reverend Monsignor Eugene Joseph Harley, OAM (RAACD)
Royal Australian Army Chaplains Department
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
Vietnam (Lt Col)
12/07/1963 to 20/07/1963
Headquarters, Australian Force Vietnam (Army Component)
13/01/1967 to 10/07/1967
Age: 87+ years. Sad news of the passing of Monsignor Eugene Harley who died peacefully in bed on ANZAC Day.
Principal Chaplain (Catholic) Eugene Joseph Harley (Retd) served as Chaplain Class 4 and Chaplain Class 3 Royal Australian Army Chaplains Department, Malaysia 1961 (2RAR), Borneo 1965 (3RAR) and South Vietnam 1967.
Monsignor Eugene Harley served 27 years in the Australian Defence Force, including 7 years with 2RAR. He served in Malaya, Borneo, and Vietnam. In the latter period of his service Monsignor Harley was appointed Principal Catholic Chaplain of the Army.
Eugene has been involved with the 2RAR Association since its early days and “has always been considered to be our Padre.”
At the 2014 AGM a Motion to Appoint Monsignor Eugene Joseph Harley as 2RAR Association Padre was passed.
Then, not to be outdone, we noted with a great deal of pride that he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the Australia Day 2015 Honours List.
Homeward Bound
I saw the shooting star burning so bright
Falling, falling, fading and soon from sight
So distant and yet so near
In its wake, a soldier’s journey so very clear
Duty, sharing, caring, courage and sometimes fear
No longer a mortal in life’s short race
A contented spirit bound for home somewhere in distant space
This fiery trail I saw tonight marks a warrior’s farewell
Leaving behind another legacy of proud deeds to tell
A poem by George Mansford
16575 George Themicles Catsacos BEM, 2RAR, 2/4RAR
Vietnam (Sgt)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
19 May 1967 – 02 Apr 1968
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
29 Apr 1970 – 01 May 1971
2nd/4th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
British Empire Medal (1982)
Age: 87+ years, Passed away peacefully on Monday 13th March, 2017
Beloved Husband of Margaret. Much Loved Father and Father- in-law of Donna and Martin, Jane and David. Adored Grandfather of Renee, Danielle, David, Steven, Jacquileen, and their partners. Great Grandfather of their respective Families.
GEORGE will be sadly missed by his Sisters, Nephews, Nieces and their Families and his many Friends.
Sad news from Colin ‘Dicko’ Dixon on Sunday that George Catsacos had been ill. Unfortunately I didn’t get up to see him and was advised later on Monday morning that he had passed away at 3am Monday.
So sad that George has passed away, he was bloody good to many of us in 2nd and 2nd/4th Battalions and all the other units he was in.
He was a top CQ in my memory and unlike some others he did issue the equipment out.
George was very active with Dutchy Hemerik in the RAR Association for many years in Townsville and has always been a stalwart of the Regiment. RIP George Catsacos, our memories of you live on.
Thanks also to Phil Smailes and Tom Floyd for letting me know.
Merv Dicton
Rest in Peace George.
I remember George very well with fond memories. We used to play cards in the Q Store with the sides dropped of a night time when back in B Coy lines on the first tour. He loved a game of cards. Cheers William Ross
P.S. We used a small lamp to play.
215581 Warrant Officer Class 1 Arthur Murphy Francis, CSC, OAM, 2, 3, 4, 8/9RAR
Vietnam (Cpl)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
Vietnam (SGT)
2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment
Regimental Sergeant Major of the Army (RSM-A)
Sadly I have to tell those of you who have not already heard that Frangar passed away early this morning. A great man and a very good friend to us all – gone.
Jane and I were with Arthur, Pam and their family on Friday night and he was fine considering the tough times he has been going through over recent years.
Several of Arthur’s very close friends and his family are with Pam and are helping her at the moment. It may be best to delay calling her for a day or two until things settle down a little.
I will be back in touch as soon as I have more information.
This is a very, very sad day for us all.
Eric Pearson
RIP Arthur. You were a standout soldier in all the ranks and roles you fulfilled in the Army. You were an exceptional leader, a mentor, and a fair-dinkum decent bloke.
Gordon Hurford
This is deeply saddening news. Not only was Arthur a soldier of the highest order, he was a true gentlemen. His patience, mentoring, and decency in all dealing was “Second to None”. He has left a legacy to the ADF which is not measurable.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends at this tragic time.
Trent Morris
Sadly, for those that may not already be aware, Arthur Francis passed away over the weekend in Singleton. Arthur was the 4th RSM Army (Dec 93 – Dec 96). Arthur was an active Honorary Member of the School of Infantry Sergeants Mess and heavily involved in Legacy. He had just celebrated his 70th birthday last Thursday with family and friends. Arthur slipped away peacefully by his wife Pam’s side Saturday night.
A Military funeral will be held at Singleton early next week (Tuesday 16th).
Arthur was a true gentleman and a great soldier. He will be missed.
Dave Galloway
Victoria Barracks
Paddington, NSW 2021
Thanks Gordon, the news of the passing of Arthur came as a shock to us both.
Very sad news.
Rick & Rhonda Hollingdrake
Regimental Ode
“Rest ye, oh warrior,
You’ll battle no more,
No longer to live
The horrors of war.
Your duty was done,
With honour and pride’
Farewell! Oh brother,
Until we march by your side.”