70th Anniversary of Samichon Day – 26th July 2023
2 RARA-SA observed the 70th. Anniversary of Samichon Day (after which the Battalion’s Battle Honour is named) with a Sprig of Rosemary being laid at the 2 RARA Memorial on the Pathway of Honour (just in from Kintore Avenue at the rear of Government House overlooking the Torrens Parade Ground) as pictured above.
The Senior 2 RARA-SA Officer, Lt Colonel Patrick Forbes MC attended the Service. Lt Colonel Forbes fought at the Samichon and for his actions leading up to; and including the Samichon, was awarded the Military Cross, the 2nd highest award “For Valour” after the Victoria Cross under the former Imperial Honours awards.
The brief, simple Service was held noting that the 70th Anniversary of End of Korean War Wreath Laying Service on Thursday 27th July at the National War Memorial, North Terrace Adelaide and 70th Anniversary Of The End Of The Korean War Memorial Service on Saturday 29th July at the Torrens Parade Ground also will involve 2 RARA-SA.
We acknowledge and appreciate the “hard yakka” and endeavours of all involved particularly Colonel (Ret’d) Peter Scott DSO MID, the ADF support elements and the RARA-SA for their financial administration for what could well be the last major Australian Korean Commemoration Service and gathering of Korean Veterans.
“Lest We Forget”